
Why I Love Easter and Hate Public Prayer
Over the last decade or so, I have grown to love celebrating Easter and hate…
Monday Morning Wrestling
It’s Monday morning 6 AM. Time for one of my men’s story groups. Some mornings…
How The Geese Saved Me
It has been a long winter for everyone. Even though I enjoy the cold, it…
Playing Life Too Safe
I will never forget the conversation. A good friend was telling me about a survey…
Becoming Undivided
In Psalm, 86:11, David asks the Lord to give him an undivided heart, a heart…
Why we must keep drinking
The book of Acts in the New Testament is commonly referred to as the Acts…
Sample #2 of the next book “Divided”
With the release date of March 10 approaching, I wanted to post another brief sampling from the next book:…
Why Do We Read??
As the books pile up in our house, we are now forced to get rid of…
A Brief Sampling from Divided
With the launch of Divided in March, I thought I would do a blog this month…
Top 10 Things I Learned With the Flu
My family got slammed with the flu last week, as my daughter Rachel slid into the abyss first,…
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