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The gift of slowing down

The brotherhood of Jesus
The Brotherhood of Jesus
This is the second in a series of posts on brotherhood. In the first post,…
The Brotherhood of the Broken
This post begins a new series on the topic of brotherhood. By the word brotherhood,…
Imaginative Prayer: Experiencing God
Imaginative Prayer: Experiencing God
Our journey into imaginative prayer has taken us through objections and answers, entering a gospel…
Imaginative Prayer: Inner Healing
Imaginative Prayer: Inner Healing
In the last post, I tried to explain how using our imaginations could help us…
Imaginative Prayer: Jesus With You
Imaginative Prayer: Jesus With You
  In the last post on imaginative prayer, I described a type of praying in…
Imaginative Prayer: Entering A Gospel Scene
In the last post, I argued for the validity of using our imagination in prayer….

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