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The gift of slowing down

God’s Presence Shapes Us Into Men
This is the second in a series on God’s presence. The topic of masculinity has…
Invited Into God’s Presence
Throughout most of history, mankind has felt drawn to something beyond the physical world, something…
A good father engages with his children.
3 Pointers To Being A Good Father
How does a man become a good father? In this last post on fatherhood, I…
Experiencing fatherhood as a son
Experiencing God’s Fatherhood as a Son
This post is the third in a series on fatherhood. Experiencing God’s fatherhood as a…
Fathers: The Blessing and the Curse
The hope for a father is etched into the masculine soul. But it is a…
Hungering For The Father
This is the first of four posts on fatherhood. We are born hungering for a…

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