
Four Words for the Great Adventure
To follow Jesus is the beginning of the great adventure in life. Here are four…
The Unexpected Resurrection
I have always loved Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, especially the scene when the dying…
The Death of Dreams
In the eighth grade. I knew I had to shed my geeky mannerisms and enter…
The Answer to Our Suffering
Suffering. Who wants to talk about it? Yet who doesn’t want an answer to their…
The Beautiful Defeat
When I read the story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-36), I…
Why We Are Like The Phantom
There is something about the Phantom of the Opera that has always spoken deeply to…
The Secret of True Greatness
I need to admit something embarrassing: I’ve always wanted to be famous—to be great in…
Searching For Happiness
Pascal, the French thinker, said this about our continual search for happiness: “The present is…
Our Disappointments With Prayer
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it,…
To Be Human Is To Be Angry
To be human is to be angry, whether it’s over political debates or marital spats. But…
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