Monday Morning Wrestling

It’s Monday morning 6 AM. Time for one of my men’s story groups. Some mornings I wonder why I started this one so early. This morning was not one of them. After some initial banter and coffee consumption, we jumped in to tell stories of battles we are currently facing. They went all over the […]

Numbering The Days I Have Left

No, this is not an announcement that I have a terminal disease, nor am I in a morbid frame of mind. Numbering the days we have left can produce a golden heart of wisdom. Let me explain. Today is my birthday. I’m happy to be alive, fortunate to have lived a good life, glad to have family […]

How The Geese Saved Me

It has been a long winter for everyone. Even though I enjoy the cold, it has been a long one for me also, not outwardly, but inwardly—a winter in my soul. I have created little that is new for this blog for some time, instead using excerpts from the new book and other older materials. I haven’t […]

Playing Life Too Safe

I will never forget the conversation. A good friend was telling me about a survey done with those who were in their 80’s. One of the questions posed was this: “What is your biggest regret in life?” The number one answer startled me. It wasn’t spending too much time at work or being too worried […]

Becoming Undivided

In Psalm, 86:11, David asks the Lord to give him an undivided heart, a heart of integrity. Just how much I needed this came clear in the most unlikely of places, the pulpit. A number of years ago, I left a church plant that had ended in failure. Depressed and ashamed, I had taken a job as a high […]

Why we must keep drinking

The book of Acts in the New Testament is commonly referred to as the Acts of the Apostles. It’s the story of the amazing deeds of those first disciples, how they put God’s Word into action. But a closer reading of the text reveals a deeper story. It’s really the tale of the amazing deeds […]

Sample #2 of the next book “Divided”

With the release date of March 10 approaching, I wanted to post another brief sampling from the next book: Divided: When the Head and Heart Don’t Agree. This one comes from the end of Chapter 2.  “Ironically, the one place that offers a cure for the divided life can end up being a place that divides us further. The […]

How To Find Success and Fame in One Step

For years I have been on metaphysical merry-go-round, running after success and fame. I chased after it as a musician in my 20’s, as a minister in my 30’s, as a teacher and coach in my 40’s, and as an author in my 50’s. The endless striving comes out of my own story that left […]

Why Do We Read??

As the books pile up in our house, we are now forced to get rid of some or resell them. The collection has multiplied over the years as our whole family has become inveterate readers. We are so content (even on vacations) to simply pull out our books and read. So it got me thinking recently: why […]

A Brief Sampling from Divided

With the launch of Divided in March, I thought I would do a blog this month and one in February with brief excerpts from the book. Here is one of my favorite stories that shows so clearly the divide between our head and heart:  Once while teaching a class, I told several stories that outlined how my heart […]