
Looking For Strength
What makes you feel strong? Where do you go to find strength to walk through…
Put On Those Hiking Boots
One of the reasons I have loved backpacking over the years is the feel of…
Summer Vacation or Summer Rest?
(Note: Beginning with today’s blog, there will now be a video companion where I talk…
Go Ahead and Fall
When I used to teach high school freshman Bible, one of my favorite activities happened during…
Skydiving, Lent, and the Beauty of Death
A number of years ago, I had two friends kidnap me for a day and…
The Serious Call to Play
It happens at most wedding receptions. Everyone seems to be on the dance floor enjoying…
Come, and You Will See
What if you had a day to spend with Jesus in person? What would you…
The Protest of Advent
The word advent is used to signify the arrival of a notable person or event….
The Lust of the Discontent
So much of my life has been spent lusting after fame. It didn’t matter whether…
Drinking in True Happiness
(To my readers: I am back with the blog after taking a much needed summer…
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