Imaginative Prayer: Objections and Answers
For the next several posts, I want to explore a topic that once aroused suspicion in me. Now it is something I love to experience and share with men. It’s a form of praying that goes by many names. I’m going to call it in its simplest terms — imaginative prayer. Here, instead of using […]
The Coronavirus Choice: Finding the Good
We are now moving into the second month of this pandemic. The effects of it have been challenging in some places, tragic in others. While I do not want to mitigate in any way the sufferings that some have endured, I do think there is another side. There is a rather large silver lining to […]
The Coronavirus Choice: Anxious or Grateful
During this past month, I have met weekly in the mornings with a small group of men, first in person and then, like everyone else, online. We share our experiences of praying through the same passage of Scripture. It is so life-giving to hear how God is working in the lives of these friends. But […]
The Coronavirus Choice: Survive or Thrive
As the viral crisis bears down on this country, I continue this series. Last week the choice dealt with responding in fear or love. This week, let me start this way. If you listen only to the news, it is easy to move into panic mode. So many social props are being tossed aside or […]
The Coronavirus Choice: Fear or Love
As the present viral crisis deepens, we are all facing something I have never experienced in my lifetime. So much is being said and written, some of it helpful, some not so much. So I have decided to take the next few posts to speak into this. This first post will be on the crucial […]
St. Patrick, The Man Behind the Holiday
St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. We mostly think of wearing green to celebrate, but the man behind the holiday has held a growing fascination for me. Perhaps it’s because he lived as a missionary, something I wanted to become when I was a young man. Or perhaps it’s the autobiography he wrote, […]
Christ’s Presence Is A Man’s Strength
In this last post on Christ’s presence, I want to explore how He is the source of a man’s strength. In my years as a high school teacher and coach, I saw the search for strength acted out every day by young men. And the paths they pursued were legion: gaining status as an athletic […]
Christ Is The Great Initiator of Men
This is the third is a series of posts on how Christ’s presence is the game changer in a man’s life. I want to focus this post on a topic of male initiation. As someone who felt uninitiated for years, I can attest to how much help I have received from older, wiser men. But […]
How Christ’s Presence Heals Men
In the first post of this series on Christ’s presence, I looked out how His presence is the game changer in a man’s life. Now I want to dig further into this, starting with how Christ’s presence heals men. But I must begin by stating something obvious, yet often missed. The Reality of His Presence […]
Christ’s Presence — The Game Changer
Through the month of February, I am going take up the topic of Christ’s presence in terms of our healing, initiation, and empowerment as men. His presence is not just an interesting side note to our lives. It is to be front and center stage. To move analogies from the theatrical to the athletic, Christ’s […]