Expressing Love in Brotherhood
This is the fourth and last in a series of posts on brotherhood. As a general rule, men struggle with expressing love in brotherhood. The awkwardness occurs for any number of reasons. There can be family origin issues where love was poorly expressed or not at all. Then there is the difficulty men have in […]
The Brotherhood of Jesus
This is the second in a series of posts on brotherhood. In the first post, I outlined the first step toward true brotherhood, a sharing of stories that allows a bonding of hearts. In this post, I want to take a second step and explore the foundation of true brotherhood — Jesus Himself. The brotherhood […]
The Coronavirus Choice: Fear or Love
As the present viral crisis deepens, we are all facing something I have never experienced in my lifetime. So much is being said and written, some of it helpful, some not so much. So I have decided to take the next few posts to speak into this. This first post will be on the crucial […]
Who Are The True Heroes?
One of my good friends had an uncle who fought in WWII. But he vehemently refused the title of hero when someone attempted to label him as such. His curt response? “The ones who didn’t come home — they were the true heroes.” In the news last week, I heard the story of a man […]
The Call of the Cemetery Trumpet
I knew we needed to do this, something I had never done before. Heidi agreed, so we got in the car and made the twenty-minute drive there. Our first view was sobering, evocative, as we gazed on row after row, stone after stone. We had come to a veterans cemetery on Memorial Day to remember the dead. We walked among them, […]
After Christmas—A Glimmer of Heaven
For some, the days after Christmas can be a letdown. The presents are opened and the feasts are finished. But for me and my family, it was anything but a letdown. What we all felt was a glimmer of heaven. Here’s what happened. My oldest daughter got married right after Christmas, and it was an added thrill for […]
The wisdom of Forrest Gump
“Hello, my name is Forrest, Forrest Gump.” “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.” “Run, Forrest! Run!” “Me and Jenny goes together like peas and carrots.” Even though the movie Forrest Gump is 20 years old, it is still an iconic part of American culture. We […]
The Power of Face-to-Face
I feel it when Heidi speaks to me with words of endearment. I sense it when I see the sparkle in my daughter’s eyes. I notice it when a friend walks with me, and we enjoy each other’s company. I am aware of it in my small groups as men gather to share their stories. […]
Parenting out of fear…or hope?
The question loomed up again this weekend. This time it happened at my daughter’s graduation from Lee University. Rachel’s experience at Lee has just been stellar. She has loved her professors and made deep connections with her peers. Both ceremonies (one a commissioning and the other a graduation) were very emotional moments for Heidi and […]