Experiencing God’s Fatherhood as a Son
This post is the third in a series on fatherhood. Experiencing God’s fatherhood as a son is simply not a category for many men. This becomes clear whenever I speak about God’s fatherhood to a group of men. The normal line of questions that come deal with how they can be better fathers to their […]
Help Wanted!
I really need your help. If you are interested in hearing why, read on… I have been divided about Divided. This is no silly pun. As I mentioned in the blog last week, so much of being an author today is about promoting yourself, getting your message out, growing your platform. Since the book released last month, I […]
The True Confessions of Being An Author
I used to think that being an author was a golden trophy, coveted by many, achieved by few. It marked one out as being special, worthy of attention. I viewed authors much the same way I viewed well-known musicians or actors. Then I became one. Suddenly the golden trophy mutated into a wooden idol. Being […]