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The gift of slowing down

Christ's presence heals men
How Christ’s Presence Heals Men
In the first post of this series on Christ’s presence, I looked out how His…
Christ’s Presence — The Game Changer
Christ Healing The Sick, Rembrandt Through the month of February, I…
Become more mindful
Practical Tools To Become More Mindful
The last three posts have explored the topic of mindfulness — as a cultural phenomenon,…
Becoming mindful of Christ, we are formed into His image as men
How Mindfulness Can Form Men Into Christ
In the last two posts, I explored the cultural interest in mindfulness and the importance…
A man becoming mindful in nature's beauty
Why Men Must Become Mindful
In the last post, I examined the increasing cultural interest in mindfulness. Whether the field…
The Surging Interest in Mindfulness
Throughout the month of January, I want to explore the surging interest in mindfulness. Along…

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