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The gift of slowing down

The Coronavirus Choice: Anxious or Grateful
The Coronavirus Choice: Anxious or Grateful
During this past month, I have met weekly in the mornings with a small group…
The Coronavirus Choice: Surviving or Thriving
The Coronavirus Choice: Survive or Thrive
As the viral crisis bears down on this country, I continue this series. Last week…
The Coronavirus choice: fear or love
The Coronavirus Choice: Fear or Love
As the present viral crisis deepens, we are all facing something I have never experienced…
St. Patrick, the man behind the holiday
St. Patrick, The Man Behind the Holiday
St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. We mostly think of wearing green to…
Christ's presence — a man's strength
Christ’s Presence Is A Man’s Strength
In this last post on Christ’s presence, I want to explore how He is the…
Christ is the great initiator of men
Christ Is The Great Initiator of Men
This is the third is a series of posts on how Christ’s presence is the…

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