
The Tug-of-War Inside All of Us
There is an inner tug-of-war in all of us, a tension that drives so much…
The Place We All Need
Big Frog Mountain (back center left) in the fall.  Recently…
Lessons From The Wilderness
The Wilderness of Judea I have been backpacking in several…
Whatever You Do, Stay Under the Waterfall
When I was in my mid 20’s, I took a group of junior high students…
Is It Really Worth It To Go To Church?
It was one of those Sunday mornings. After walking with Heidi and eating breakfast, we…
“I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.”
No, I’m not talking about my wallet, although it certainly could be the case! This…
"I still haven't found what I'm looking for."
No, I’m not talking about my wallet, although it certainly could be the case! This…
The Irony of Father’s Day
Sunday was Father’s Day, a time set aside to remember and celebrate all the good…
A Funny Thing Happened On the Ride Home
It’s one of the funniest things that has happened to me recently. Saturday morning I was…
The Silence Is Where the Action Is
It happened again last week. It was powerful, transforming, beautiful. Here are the ingredients: a…
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