Christ’s Presence Is A Man’s Strength

Christ's presence — a man's strength

In this last post on Christ’s presence, I want to explore how He is the source of a man’s strength. In my years as a high school teacher and coach, I saw the search for strength acted out every day by young men. And the paths they pursued were legion: gaining status as an athletic […]

Christ Is The Great Initiator of Men

Christ is the great initiator of men

This is the third is a series of posts on how Christ’s presence is the game changer in a man’s life. I want to focus this post on a topic of male initiation. As someone who felt uninitiated for years, I can attest to how much help I have received from older, wiser men. But […]

How Christ’s Presence Heals Men

Christ's presence heals men

In the first post of this series on Christ’s presence, I looked out how His presence is the game changer in a man’s life. Now I want to dig further into this, starting with how Christ’s presence heals men. But I must begin by stating something obvious, yet often missed. The Reality of His Presence […]

Christ’s Presence — The Game Changer

Through the month of February, I am going take up the topic of Christ’s presence in terms of our healing, initiation, and empowerment as men. His presence is not just an interesting side note to our lives. It is to be front and center stage. To move analogies from the theatrical to the athletic, Christ’s […]

Practical Tools To Become More Mindful

Become more mindful

The last three posts have explored the topic of mindfulness — as a cultural phenomenon, as a part of true masculinity, and as a practice to grow in Christ. In this last post, I want to give you some practical tools to become more mindful. Here are five, in no particular order. The Examen: This […]

How Mindfulness Can Form Men Into Christ

Becoming mindful of Christ, we are formed into His image as men

In the last two posts, I explored the cultural interest in mindfulness and the importance of mindfulness in becoming men. In this post I want to turn another corner. How can mindfulness form men into Christ? How can it be help them along on the most important journey of their lives, becoming like Jesus, the […]

Why Men Must Become Mindful

A man becoming mindful in nature's beauty

In the last post, I examined the increasing cultural interest in mindfulness. Whether the field is spirituality, neurology, therapy, physiology, or psychology, mindfulness has become a red-hot topic. This week, I want to explore why men must become mindful. Men Who Are Not Mindful It has happened on more than one occasion. I’m in a […]

The Surging Interest in Mindfulness

Throughout the month of January, I want to explore the surging interest in mindfulness. Along the way, I will connect mindfulness to manhood and to life as a Christ-follower. Here we go… The next time you are in a grocery store or drug store line, take a look at the magazines. Alongside the sex scandals […]

The Impossible Has Happened!

As 2019 closes out, we wanted to send you quick summary of all that has happened. If someone had told me 7 years ago when this ministry started that the following had taken place, I would have promptly replied that it wasn’t possible. But through your donations, encouragement, and prayer the impossible has happened! It […]

Do Not Wait For Me

The Christmas season is traditionally known as Advent, a word that means waiting. It is not only waiting for the first coming of Christ in humility but also for His coming again in power. It is this idea of waiting that has gripped me recently. What do we wait for? What do we hope in? […]