Imaginative Prayer: Objections and Answers

Imaginative Prayer: Objections and Answers

For the next several posts, I want to explore a topic that once aroused suspicion in me. Now it is something I love to experience and share with men. It’s a form of praying that goes by many names. I’m going to call it in its simplest terms — imaginative prayer. Here, instead of using […]

The Coronavirus Choice: Finding the Good

The Coronavirus Choice: Finding the Good

We are now moving into the second month of this pandemic. The effects of it have been challenging in some places, tragic in others. While I do not want to mitigate in any way the sufferings that some have endured, I do think there is another side. There is a rather large silver lining to […]

The Coronavirus Choice: Anxious or Grateful

The Coronavirus Choice: Anxious or Grateful

During this past month, I have met weekly in the mornings with a small group of men, first in person and then, like everyone else, online. We share our experiences of praying through the same passage of Scripture. It is so life-giving to hear how God is working in the lives of these friends. But […]