The Impossible Has Happened!

As 2019 closes out, we wanted to send you quick summary of all that has happened. If someone had told me 7 years ago when this ministry started that the following had taken place, I would have promptly replied that it wasn’t possible. But through your donations, encouragement, and prayer the impossible has happened! It has been a lot like mountain climbing: all the adventure, thrill, and risk you could ask for. But more importantly, it feels like we have been watching mountains move — seeing obstacles to the Kingdom of Christ leveled before our eyes. Here is the short list:

  • LifeWay publishes Heroic: The Surprising Path to True Manhood in April with an extensive marketing campaign.
  • They also launch the Heroic Conversations podcast, which receives the Apple New and Noteworthy award, a first for LifeWay.
  • LifeWay also creates short videos of me teaching from each chapter of Heroic.
  • I offer 270 spiritual direction sessions, helping men connect to God more deeply and find inner healing.
  • The Day of Silence is held 4 times. Men who came were able to rest and receive what they needed from God.
  • The first Heroic Retreat takes place at the St. Meinrad Retreat Center with 26 men attending. I continue to hear stories of how Jesus met men there in the silence.
  • The weekly blogs posted here are also used by LifeWay Men and Authentic Manhood.

However encouraging such a list may be, it cannot describe the sense of wonder I feel over watching Jesus work in both quiet and dramatic ways. With 2020 approaching, we would like to expand on all fronts. It’s all for the sake of men who are increasingly confused in a darkening culture. Only the presence of Christ can give them their true masculinity.

Your end-of-year donation will keep us moving forward, provide scholarships, and maintain the website. Just click here to give online. There is also a mailing address on the same page if you would like to send a check. Finally, your continued prayer in the upcoming year will help us keep shining the light of Christ’s glory onto the face of hungry men.

Bill and the Landmark Journey Ministry board

Ed Freeman, Scott McCullough, Scott Heuerman, Phil Davis, Rob Gage, Lyndon Wilson


Photo by michael pollak on Trend Hype / CC BY

2 Responses

  1. Bill—I am so happy for you! I feel like I have had a “front row seat” watching this vision unfold over the years. May God continue to to richly bless LJM in 2020. Soli Deo Gloria!
    Much love,

    1. Thank you, Richard. It was so hard leaving the CPA community in 2012, but I am amazed by all that has happened since then. I hope your 2020 also has many wonderful surprises from the Lord. He is always present and always working!

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