Two Ways Giving Thanks Makes Us Strong

For a video version of this blog, click here. Let’s face it. Life often feels like a battle — and one in which men feel they are barely holding the line or just losing. Enter Thanksgiving. This is the time we gather as families, enjoy a feast, and watch some football on TV. It is […]

Why Men Today Still Need to Charge Dragons

For a video version of this blog, click here. The mythical figure of a dragon is found in countless stories and tales from ancient times. One of my favorites is the legend of St. George and the Dragon from the 11th century. As the story goes, a dragon was terrorizing the countryside and the only […]

Three Gifts Men Need from Mentors

For a video version of this blog, click here. Every Monday night they gather on my back porch — a small group of young men. After some hot tea and snacks, the conversation begins. My good friend Dave and I lead them through a time of telling stories from their lives. The topic last Monday […]